
Here are a few famous Freemasons whose names you might recognize.
Founding fathers like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Aaron Burr, and other leaders of the American Revolution.
Other U.S. presidents including Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Gerald Ford.
Civil rights activists like Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Thurgood Marshall, and Medger Evers.
Explorers like Davy Crockett, Lewis and Clark, Charles Lindbergh, and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin
Scientists like Edward Jenner, Joseph Lister, and Nobel Prize-winner Alexander Fleming.
Musicians including J.S. Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William “Count” Basie, and Brad Paisley.
Writers including Jonathon Swift, Oscar Wilde, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Mark Twain.
Athletes including “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, John Elway, and Scottie Pippin.
Entertainers and actors including John Wayne, Harry Houdini, and Richard Pryor.
Entrepreneurs and business leaders including Charles Hilton, Colonel Harland Sanders, Walter Chrysler, J. C. Penny, Dave Thomas, Forrest Bird, and Chuck Williams (founder of Williams-Sonoma).